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Willkommen in der Shiatsupraxis Isabelle Widmer


Shiatsuptherapeutin Isabelle Widmer

I experienced what and how Shiatsu can change when I had my very first Shiatsu treatment. The freedom of judgment and openness that I encountered made a deep impression on me. Even today in my own practice, these values are the top priority.


I have been able to immerse myself in many different ways of life, fields of work, countries and customs. Having reached my vocation as a therapist, I am able to rely on my own experience and the teachings and healing arts from a wide variety of areas.


Working with clients and their different needs awakens my curiosity every day, and I am keen to find ways to treat and support my clients even better; here Shiatsu and the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine are my constant companions.


Certificate in Complimentary Therapy (Shiatsu Methodology) Oda KT

Yoga and Meditation Teacher


2018 Shiatsu Practice opening in Zurich

2018 Training in School Medicine OdA KT

2017 Shiatsu Practice opening in Herrliberg

2006 Graduation as a Yoga Therapist


Body Therapy, Massage, Meditation, Alternative Healing Methods, Numerology


Additional Training and earlier Employers


Commercial Apprenticeship KVZ

Diploma in Cultural Management SAWI


Genki Massage Practice, Lisa Maria Nussbaumer, Zurich (Shiatsu Therapist)

SRF, Swiss Radio and Television, Zurich (Events, Culture & Information)

CS, Credit Swiss Bank, Zurich (Apprenticeship, Stock Exchange)



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